A mysterious little girl – An unusual photographic process at Gloucestershire Archives?

Back in March, Gloucestershire Archives was given some documents and photos pertaining to the Pringle family of Longhope (D11928, accession 16319).

The photographs came into Collections Care to receive custom protective enclosures, as carefully wrapping and boxing in archival-quality materials is one of the best ways of ensuring their preservation. Good protective enclosures help to protect them from physical damage and other agents of deterioration.

All the portraits were attractive and appealing, but there was something particularly intriguing about this portrait of a little girl.

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Things That Go Bump In The Night

Rachel Wales ACR gets into the Halloween spirit…

As we approach Hallowe’en, we see lots of decorations featuring massive hairy spiders.  As I fished yet another beefy specimen of Tegenaria domestica out of my bathtub the other morning, I wonder if this is because late summer and autumn are the times when we humans start spotting, and screaming at, house spiders as they roam about our kitchens, bathrooms and sitting rooms in search of mates.  Autumn and spiders go hand in hand. 

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